Monday, September 6, 2010

Brandeis University's Valuation Of The Memory Book

Below is a message from a director of Brandeis University, which conveys the Archivist at the University's judgment of the Memory Book:

From: Janice Fineman
Date: August 2, 2010 6:15:18 PM PDT
Subject: Book from Mr. Miller

I just saw an email from the Archivist and she wrote the following regarding Mr. Miller's book:

"This is a very important piece that would be most appropriately housed at either the Holocaust Museum or Wiesenthal Center. Given the many stipulations the donor has set, I believe he'd be more successful in trying to sell the work outright, without the other parameters. It would be a shame for the memory book to fall into private hands and not be made available to interested researchers."

You can tell him that we checked with Brandeis Library and they feel this is a very important piece that would most appropriately be housed at either the Holocaust Museum of Wiesenthal Center. We thank him for letting us know about this offer and wish him the best in finding a buyer.

Let me know if you have any further questions.
